Seiyo Dochu Hizakurige (On the road through western countries comic journey towards civilization) (西洋道中膝栗毛)

Seiyo Dochu Hizakurige is a humorous fiction written by Robun KANAGAKI and Kan FUSO (Volume 12 and subsequent volumes). Published between December 1870 and 1876. There are a total of 15 volumes comprised of 30 books published by Bankyukaku. Illustrations were provided by various artists including Yoshiiku OCHIAI, Hiroshige UTAGAWA III andKyosai SHOJO.

In the style of Tokaidochu Hizakurige by Ikku JUPPENSHA, the story develops around hilarious incidents that the two leading characters who were the great-great grandsons of Yajirobei and Kitahachi (who were the main characters of Tokaidochu Hizakurige) encountered on a trip to London, England to visit the London World Exposition. This book blended the theme of Guide to Travel in the Western World written by Yukichi FUKUZAWA which was a big seller of the time and the spirit of the original Hizakurige. Robun never travelled abroad but, since he read English, his knowledge of literature was accurate and Seiyo Dochu Hizakurige is not a preposterous story. In the latter half of the book, however, the storyline became too spread out to be manageable for Robun and so another writer was commissioned to take over.

[Original Japanese]